Full Publications List
Anagnostopoulos, A., Michel, L., Hentenryck, P.V. and Vergados, Y. 2003. A simulated annealing approach to the traveling tournament problem. Proceedings CPAIOR’03 (2003).
Anagnostopoulos, A., Michel, L., Hentenryck, P.V. and Vergados, Y. 2006. A simulated annealing approach to the traveling tournament problem. J. of Scheduling. 9, (2006), 177–193. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10951-006-7187-8.
Antonyan, T., Davtyan, S., Kentros, S., Kiayias, A., Michel, L., Nicolaou, N., Russell, A. and Shvartsman, A. 2009. Automating voting terminal event log analysis. Proceedings of the 2009 conference on electronic voting technology/workshop on trustworthy elections (Berkeley, CA, USA, 2009), 1–15.
Antonyan, T., Davtyan, S., Kentros, S., Kiayias, A., Michel, L., Nicolaou, N., Russell, A. and Shvartsman, A.A. 2009. State-wide elections, optical scan voting systems, and the pursuit of integrity. Trans. Info. For. Sec. 4, (2009), 597–610. DOI:https://doi.org/http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TIFS.2009.2033232.
Bo Xiong, Luh, P.B., Shi-Chung Chang, Michel, L. and See, A. 2007. Coherent modeling and effective coordination for building emergency evacuation. Automation science and engineering. CASE 2007. (Scottsdale, AZ, 2007), 670–677.
C. Guan, P. B. Luh, W. Cao, L. D. Michel and Cheung, K. 2011. Dual-tree m-band wavelet transform and composite very short-term load forecasting. IEEE power and energy society 2011 (2011).
Charlier, B.L., Degimbe, O., Michel, L. and Hentenryck, P.V. 1993. Optimization techniques for general purpose fixpoint algorithms - practical efficiency for the abstract interpretation of prolog. Proceedings of the third international workshop on static analysis (London, UK, 1993), 15–26.
Che Guan, Peter B. Luh, L. Michel, Matthew A. Coolbeth, Yige Zhao, Ying Chen, Claude J. Manville, Friedland, P.B. and Rourke, S.J. 2009. Very short-term load forecasting: Multilevel wavelet neural networks with data pre-filtering. Proceedings of the 2009 PESGM conference (Calgary, Alberta, CA, 2009).
Chen, Y., Luh, P.B., Guan, C., Zhao, Y., Michel, L.D., Coolbeth, M.A., Friedland, P.B. and Rourke, S.J. 2010. Short-term load forecasting: Similar day-based wavelet neural networks. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 25, 1 (2010), 322–330.
Coffrin, C., Michel, L.D., Shvartsman, A.A., Sonderegger, E.L. and Hentenryck, P.V. 2009. Optimizing network deployment of formally-specified distributed systems. SEDE (2009), 230–237.
Cruz, W., Liu, F. and Michel, L. 2018. Securely and automatically deploying micro-services in an hybrid cloud infrastructure. Principles and practice of constraint programming - 24th international conference, CP 2018, lille, france, august 27-31, 2018, proceedings pan.
D. Fontaine and Michel, L. 2011. A large-scale neighborhood search approach to matrix decomposition into consecutive-ones matrices. Proceedings of the 8th workshop on local search techniques in constraint satisfaction (Perugia, Italy, 2011), 1–15.
Davtyan, S., Kentros, S., Kiayias, A., Michel, L., Nicolaou, N., Russell, A., See, A., Shashidhar, N. and Shvartsman, A.A. 2008. Pre-election testing and post-election audit of optical scan voting terminal memory cards. Proceedings of the conference on electronic voting technology (Berkeley, CA, USA, 2008), 7:1–7:13.
Davtyan, S., Kentros, S., Kiayias, A., Michel, L., Nicolaou, N., Russell, A., See, A., Shashidhar, N. and Shvartsman, A.A. 2009. Taking total control of voting systems: Firmware manipulations on an optical scan voting terminal. Proceedings of the 2009 ACM symposium on applied computing (New York, NY, USA, 2009), 2049–2053.
Davtyan, S., Kiayias, A., Michel, L., Russell, A. and Shvartsman, A.A. 2012. Integrity of electronic voting systems: fallacious use of cryptography. Proceedings of the 27th Symposium on Applied Computing (2012), 1486–1493.
Degimbe, O., Le Charlier, B., Michel, L. and Van Hentenryck, P. 1993. Practical Efficiency of Three General Purpose Fixpoint Algorithms applied to the Abstract Intepretation of Prolog. International Workshop on Static Analysis (WSA-93) (Padova, Italy, 1993).
Dinh, H., Dinh, H.T., Michel, L. and Russell, A. 2012. The time complexity of a* with approximate heuristics on multiple-solution search spaces. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR). 45, (2012), 685–729.
Doan, T., Demurjian, S.A., Michel, L. and Berhe, S. 2010. Integrating access control into UML for secure software modeling and analysis. IJSSE. 1, 1 (2010), 1–19.
Dooms, G., Hentenryck, P. and Michel, L. 2009. Model-driven visualizations of constraint-based local search. Constraints. 14, (2009), 294–324. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10601-008-9063-y.
Dooms, G., Van Hentenryck, P. and Michel, L. 2007. Model-driven visualizations of constraint-based local search. Proceedings of the 13th international conference on principles and practice of constraint programming (Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007), 271–285.
Elsayed, S.A.M. and Michel, L. 2011. Synthesis of search algorithms from high-level CP models.
Fontaine, D., LaurentMichel and Van Hentenryck, P. 2014. Constraint-based lagrangian relaxation. Principles and practice of constraint programming: 20th international conference, CP 2014, lyon, france, september 8-12, 2014. proceedings (Cham, 2014), 324–339.
Fontaine, D. and Michel, L. 2012. A high level language for solver independent model manipulation and generation of hybrid solvers. Integration of AI and OR techniques in contraint programming for combinatorial optimzation problems: 9th international conference, CPAIOR 2012, nantes, france, may 28 – June1, 2012. proceedings (Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012), 180–194.
Fontaine, D., Michel, L. and Van Hentenryck, P. 2013. Model combinators for hybrid optimization. Principles and practice of constraint programming: 19th international conference, CP 2013, uppsala, sweden, september 16-20, 2013. proceedings (Berlin, Heidelberg, 2013), 299–314.
Fontaine, D., Michel, L. and Van Hentenryck, P. 2016. Parallel composition of scheduling solvers. Integration of AI and OR techniques in constraint programming: 13th international conference, CPAIOR 2016, banff, AB, canada, may 29 - june 1, 2016, proceedings (Cham, 2016), 159–169.
Fruhwirth, T., Michel, L. and Schulte, C. 2006. Constraints in procedural and concurrent languages. F. Rossi, P. van Beek, and T. Walsh, eds. Elsevier. 451–492.
Guan, C., Luh, P.B., Michel, L.D., Bar-Shalom, Y. and Friedland, P.B. 2010. Interacting multiple model approach for very short-term load forecasting and confidence interval estimation. Intelligent control and automation (WCICA), 2010 8th world congress on (2010), 2680–2685.
Guan, C., Luh, P.B., Michel, L.D., Coolbeth, M.A. and Friedland, P.B. 2010. Hybrid kalman algorithms for very short-term load forecasting and confidence interval estimation. Power and energy society general meeting, 2010 IEEE (2010), 1–8.
Hentenryck, P. and Michel, L. rid. earch. Integration of AI and OR techniques in constraint programming for combinatorial optimization problems: Second international conference, CPAIOR 2005 (2005), 380–395.
Hentenryck, P., Michel, L. and Liu, L. 2005. Contraint-based combinators for local search. Constraints. 10, (2005), 363–384. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10601-005-2811-3.
Hentenryck, P.V. and Michel, L. 2004. Chapter 9: Constrained languages for combinatorial optimization. H.J. Greenberg, ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers
Hentenryck, P.V. and Michel, L. 2006. Nondeterministic control for hybrid search. Constraints. 11, (2006), 353–373.
Hentenryck, P.V. and Michel, L. 2008. The steel mill slab design problem revisited. CPAIOR (2008),
Jancewicz, R.J., Kiayias, A., Michel, L.D., Russell, A.C. and Shvartsman, A.A. 2013. Malicious takeover of voting systems: Arbitrary code execution on optical scan voting terminals. Proceedings of the 28th annual ACM symposium on applied computing (New York, NY, USA, 2013), 1816–1823.
J.-F. Audy, N. El Hachemi, L. Michel and L.-M., L.-M.R. 2011. Solving a combined routing and scheduling problem in forestry. Industrial engineering and systems management (IESM) (2011), 1–10.
Katriel, I., Michel, L. and Van Hentenryck, P. 2005. Maintaining Longest Paths Incrementally. Constraints. 10, 2 (2005).
Kiayias, A., Michel, L., Russell, A., Shashidhar, N., See, A. and Shvartsman, A.A. 2007. An authentication and ballot layout attack against an optical scan voting terminal. Proceedings of the USENIX workshop on accurate electronic voting technology (Berkeley, CA, USA, 2007), 13–13.
Kiayias, A., Michel, L., Russell, A., Shashidhar, N., See, A., Shvartsman, A. and Davtyan, S. 2007. Tampering with special purpose trusted computing devices: A case study in optical scan e-voting. Computer security applications conference, 2007. ACSAC 2007. Twenty-third annual (2007), 30–39.
L. Michel and Hentenryck, P.V. 2002. The modeling language OPL - a short overview. Kluwer Academic.
Liu, F., Cruz, W., Ma, C., Johnson, G. and Michel, L. 2017. A tolerant algebraic side-channel attack on AES using CP. Principles and practice of constraint programming - 23rd international conference, CP 2017, melbourne, VIC, australia, august 28 - september 1, 2017, proceedings (2017), 189–205.
Liu, F., Cruz, W. and Michel, L. 2018. A complete tolerant algebraic side-channel attack for AES with CP. Principles and practice of constraint programming - 24th international conference, CP 2018, lille, france, august 27-31, 2018, proceedings (2018),
Luh, P.B., Michel, L., Santos, Jr., E., Yu, D., See, A., Xiong, B., Johnson, G. and Chang, S.C. 2005. Coherent configuration and operation of building transportation systems. Automation science and engineering (2005), 178–184.
Lynch, N., Michel, L. and Shvartsman, A.A. 2009. Tempo: A toolkit for the timed input/output automata formalism. (Marseilles, France, 2009).
Ma, C., Chandy, J.A., Michel, L., Liu, F. and Cruz, W. 2017. Influence of error on hamming weights for ASCA. Information security and cryptology - 13th international conference, inscrypt 2017, xi’an, china, november 3-5, 2017, revised selected papers (2017), 447–460.
Michel, L. ed. 2015. Integration of AI and OR techniques in constraint programming - 12th international conference, CPAIOR 2015, barcelona, spain, may 18-22, 2015, proceedings. Springer.
Michel, L. 2015. Introduction to the fast track issue for CPAIOR 2015. Constraints. 20, 3 (2015), 283–284. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10601-015-9194-x.
Michel, L. 1998. Localizer: A modeling language for local search. Brown University.
Michel, L.D. 2012. Constraint programming and a usability quest. Principles and practice of constraint programming: 18th international conference, CP 2012, québec city, QC, canada, october 8-12, 2012. proceedings (Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012), 1–1.
Michel, L.D. 2010. Parallelizing constraint programs. DAMP (2010), 3–4.
Michel, L.D. and Hentenryck, P.V. 2017. A microkernel architecture for constraint programming. Constraints. 22, 2 (2017), 107–151.
Michel, L.D. and Hentenryck, P.V. 2011. *Activity-based search for black-box contraint-programming.
Michel, L.D. and Rueher, M. 2017. What’s hot in constraintprogramming. Proceedings of the thirty-first AAAI conference on artificial intelligence, february 4-9, 2017, san francisco, california, USA. (2017), 5073–5075.
Michel, L.D., Shvartsman, A.A., Sonderegger, E.L. and Hentenryck, P.V. 2011. Optimal deployment of eventually-serializable data services. Annals OR. 184, 1 (2011), 273–294.
Michel, L.D., Shvartsman, A.A. and Volgushev, N. 2014. A systematic approach to analyzing voting terminal event logs. 2014 electronic voting technology workshop/workshop on trustworthy elections (EVT/WOTE 14) (San Diego, CA, Aug. 2014).
Michel, L.D. and Van Hentenryck, P. 2012. Constraint satisfaction over bit-vectors. Principles and practice of constraint programming: 18th international conference, CP 2012, québec city, QC, canada, october 8-12, 2012. proceedings (Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012), 527–543.
Michel, L. and Hentenryck, P.V. 2002. A constraint-based architecture for local search. *Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN conference on object-oriented programming, systems.
Michel, L. and Hentenryck, P.V. 2008. Incremental accumulators. LaSh 2008: LOGIC AND SEARCH. Computation of structures from declarative descriptions (Leuven)
Michel, L. and Hentenryck, P.V. 2000. Localizer. Constraints. 5, (2000), 43–84.
Michel, L., Moraal, M., Shvartsman, A., Sonderegger, E. and Van Hentenryck, P. 2009. Online selection of quorum systems for RAMBO reconfiguration. Principles and practice of constraint programming - CP 2009. I. Gent, ed. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. 88–103.
Michel, L., Schulte, C. and Van Hentenryck, P. 2007. Chapter 9: Constraint programming tools. Wiley. 41–57.
Michel, L., See, A. and Hentenryck, P. 2007. Parallelizing constraint programs transparently. Proceedings of the 13th international conference on principles and practice of constraint programming (Sep. 2007).
Michel, L., See, A. and Van Hentenryck, P. 2006. Distributed constraint-based local search. 12th international conference on principles and practice of constraint programming. (CP’06) (Nantes, France, 2006).
Michel, L., See, A. and Van Hentenryck, P. 2006. High-level nondeterministic abstractions in c++. 12th international conference on principles and practice of constraint programming. (CP’06) (Nantes, France, 2006).
Michel, L., See, A. and Van Hentenryck, P. 2009. Parallel and distributed local search in COMET. Comput. Oper. Res. 36, (2009), 2357–2375. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2008.08.014.
Michel, L., See, A. and Van Hentenryck, P. 2009. Transparent parallelization of constraint programming. INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING. 21, 3 (2009), 363–382. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1287/ijoc.1080.0313.
Michel, L., Shvartsman, A.A., Sonderegger, E.L. and Hentenryck, P.V. 2010. Load balancing and almost symmetries for RAMBO quorum hosting. CP (2010), 598–612.
Michel, L., Shvartsman, A., Sonderegger, E. and Van Hentenryck, P. 2008. Optimal deployment of eventually-serializable data services. Integration of AI and OR techniques in constraint programming for combinatorial optimization problems. L. Perron and M. Trick, eds. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. 188–202.
Michel, L. and Van Hentenryck, P. Search. (2004).
Michel, L. and Van Hentenryck, P. gramming. ibraries. INFORMS Journal on Computing. (2004).
Michel, L. and Van Hentenryck, P. ehouse. ocation. European Journal of Operational Research. (2004).
Michel, L. and Van Hentenryck, P. 2012. Activity-based search for black-box constraint programming solvers. Integration of AI and OR techniques in contraint programming for combinatorial optimzation problems: 9th international conference, CPAIOR 2012, nantes, france, may 28 – June1, 2012. proceedings (Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012),
Michel, L. and Van Hentenryck, P. bal. ptimization and its Implementation in Newton. Theoretical Computer Science. 173, 1 (1997), 3–48.
Michel, L. and Van Hentenryck, P. Iterative Flattening in Cumulative Scheduling. 14th International Conference on Automated Planning & Scheduling (ICAPS’04) (Whistler, BC, Canada, 2004).
Michel, L. and Van Hentenryck, P. al. earch. Third International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP’97) (Lintz, Austria, 1997).
Michel, L. and Van Hentenryck, P. 2003. Maintaining Longest Paths Incrementally. CP’03 (Cork, Ireland, 2003).
Michel, L. and Van Hentenryck, P. straint. rogramming Libraries. CP-AI-OR’2001 (Wye College (Imperial College), Ashford, Kent UK, 2001).
Michel, L., Van Hentenryck, P., Sonderegger, E., Shvartsman, A. and Moraal, M. 2009. Bandwidth-limited optimal deployment of eventually-serializable data services. Integration of AI and OR techniques in constraint programming for combinatorial optimization problems. W.-J. van Hoeve and J. Hooker, eds. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. 193–207.
Pavlich-mariscal, J. 2005. Role slices and runtime permissions: Improving an AOP-based access control schema. In proc. Of the international workshop on aspect-oriented modeling (2005), 2.
Pavlich-mariscal, J.A., Doan, T., Michel, L., Demurjian, S.A. and Ting, T.C. 2005. Role slices: A notation for RBAC permission assignment and enforcement. In: Proceedings of 19th annual IFIP WG 11.3 working conference on data and applications security. (2005 (2005).
Pavlich-mariscal, J., Michel, L. and Demurjian, S. 2005. A formal enforcement framework for role-based access control using aspect-oriented programming. ACM/IEEE 8th intl. Conf. On model driven engineering languages and systems, montego (2005), 537–552.
Rousseau, L.M., Gendreau, M. and Pesant, G. 1999. Using Constraint-Based Operators with Variable Neighborhood Search to Solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. citeseer.nj.nec.com/406681.html, (1999).
S. Demurjian, Pavlich-Mariscal, J. and Michel, L. 2007. Enhancing UML to model custom security aspects. Proceedings of the 11th international workshop. On aspect-oriented modeling (2007).
Schaus, P., Hentenryck, P.V., Monette, J.-N., Coffrin, C., Michel, L. and Deville, Y. 2011. Solving steel mill slab problems with constraint-based techniques: CP, LNS, and CBLS. Constraints. 16, 2 (2011), 125–147.
Schaus, P., Van Hentenryck, P., Monette, J.-N., Coffrin, C., Michel, L. and Deville, Y. 2011. Solving steel mill slab problems with constraint-based techniques: CP, LNS, and CBLS. Constraints. 16, 2 (2011), 125–147. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10601-010-9100-5.
Van Hentenryck, P., Degimbe, O., Charlier, B.L. and Michel, L. 1993. Abstract Interpretation of Prolog Based on OLDT-Resolution. Technical Report #No. CS-93-05. CS Department.
Van Hentenryck, P., Degimbe, O., Le Charlier, B. and Michel, L. 1993. The Impact of Granularity in Abstract Interpretation of Prolog. International Workshop on Static Analysis (WSA-93) (Padova, Italy, 1993).
Van Hentenryck, P. and Michel, L. an. Ninth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (Cork, Ireland, 2003).
Van Hentenryck, P. and Michel, L.
Differentiable invariants. 12th international conference on principles and practice of constraint programming. (CP’06) (Nantes, span.
Van Hentenryck, P. and Michel, L. 2014. Domain views for constraint programming. Principles and practice of constraint programming: 20th international conference, CP 2014, lyon, france, september 8-12, 2014. proceedings (Cham, 2014), pan.
Van Hentenryck, P. and Michel, L. 2005. Nondeterministic Control For Hybrid Search. Conference on the Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimisation Problems (CP-AI-OR’04)* (Prague, Czech Republic, May 2005).
Van Hentenryck, P. and Michel, L. 2004. Operations research and technology: Tutorials from INFORMS 2004.
Van Hentenryck, P. and Michel, L.
OPL script: Composing and controlling models. Springer
Van Hentenryck, P. and Michel, L. al. earch. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimisation Problems (CP-AI-OR’04) (Nice, France, 2004).
Van Hentenryck, P. and Michel, L. al. earch*. Technical Report #CS-04-01. Brown University.
Van Hentenryck, P. and Michel, L. 2007. Synthesis of constraint-based local search algorithms from high-level models. Proceedings of the 22nd national conference on artificial intelligence - volume 1 (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2007), pan.
Van Hentenryck, P. and Michel, L.2013. The objective-CP optimization system. Principles and practice of constraint programming: 19th international conference, CP 2013, uppsala, sweden, september 16-20, 2013. proceedings (Berlin)
Van Hentenryck, P., Michel, L. and Benhamou, F. 1997. Newton: Constraint Programming over Nonlinear Constraints. Science of Computer Programming. (1997).
Van Hentenryck, P., Michel, L. and Deville, Y. 1997. Numerica: a Modeling Language for Global Optimization. The MIT Press.
Van Hentenryck, P., Michel, L., Laborie, P., Nuijten, W. and Rogerie, J. 1999. Combinatorial Optimization in OPL Studio. Proceedings of the 9th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence International Conference (EPIA’99) (Evora, Portugal, 1999), 1–15.
Van Hentenryck, P., Michel, L. and Liu, L. 2004. Constraint-Based Combinators for Local Search. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (Toronto, Canada, 2004), 47–61.
Van Hentenryck, P., Michel, L., Paulin, F. and Puget, J.F. 2003. The OPL studio modeling system. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Van Hentenryck, P., Michel, L., Perron, L. and Regin, J.C. 1999. Constraint Programming in OPL. Proceedings of the International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP’99) (Paris, France, 1999), 98–116.
Yan, B., Luh, P.B., Sun, B., Song, C., Dong, C., Gan, Z. and Michel, L.D. 2013. Energy-efficient management of eco-communities. CASE (2013), 106–111.
Yan, W., Fontaine, D., Chandy, J.A. and Michel, L. 2017. A design flow with integrated verification of requirements and faults in safety-critical systems. 12th system of systems engineering conference, SoSE 2017, waikoloa, HI, USA, june 18-21, 2017 (2017), 1–6.
Zitoun, H., Michel, C., Rueher, M. and Michel, L. 2017. Search strategies for floating point constraint systems. Principles and practice of constraint programming - 23rd international conference, CP 2017, melbourne, VIC, australia, august 28 - september 1, 2017, proceedings (2017), 707–722.