CODD : Combinatorial Optimization with Decision Diagrams
What is CODD?
CODD is a system for modeling and solving combinatorial optimization problems using decision diagram technology. Problems are represented as state-based dynamic programming models using the CODD language specification. The model specification is used to automatically compile relaxed and restricted decision diagrams, as well as to guide the search process. CODD introduces abstractions that allow to generically implement the solver components while maintaining overall execution efficiency. We demonstrate the functionality of CODD on a variety of combinatorial optimization problems and compare its performance to other state-based solvers as well as integer programming and constraint programming solvers.
We consider discrete optimization problems of the form
\[ \begin{array}{rl} P : ~~ \max & f(y)\\ \textrm{s.t.} & C_j(y), j = 1, \dots, m,\\ & y \in D \end{array} \]where \(y=(y_1,\ldots,y_n)\) is a tuple of decision variables, \(f\) is a real-valued objective function over \(y\) and \(C_1,\ldots,C_m\) are constraints over \(y\) with \(D=D_1 \times \ldots \times D_n\) denoting the cartesian product of the domains of the variables \(y_i\) (\(1 \leq i \leq n\)).
Dynamic Programming as a Computational Model
Dynamic programming can be understood as a labeled transition system where sequences of state-based decisions that delivers a sequence of states \((s_1,\ldots,s_{n+1})\). At each step \(i\), a transition \(\tau(s_i,x_i) = s_i \stackrel{x_i}{\rightarrow} s_{i+1}\) is labeled by the decision \(x_i\). Each such transition induces a cost \(c(s_i,x_i)\). The DP formulation then boils down to:
- the definition of the state space \({\cal S}\) with \(s_i \in {\cal S}\).
- two distinguished states \(s_\top\) and \(s_\bot\) in \({\cal S}\) encoding, respectively, the start state for an empty sequence of decision and the sink state for the full problem
- a label generation function \(\lambda : {\cal S} \rightarrow {\cal U}\) representing the values one can use to follow a transition out of a state \(s \in {\cal S}\).
- The state transition function \(\tau : {\cal S} \times {\cal U} \rightarrow {\cal S}\) modeling the decisions effects
- The transition cost function \(c : {\cal S} \times {\cal U} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}\).
The Dynamic Program over the state sequence \((s_1,\ldots,s_{n+1})\) and the decision sequence \((x_1,\ldots,x_{n})\) has the following form
\[ \begin{array}{rll} \max & v(t) & \\ \textrm{ s.t. } & v(s_{i+1}) = \displaystyle \max_{\substack{x_i \in \lambda(s_i)\\\tau(s_i,x_i)=s_{i+1}}} v(s_i) + c(s_i,x_i) & \forall s_i \in {\cal S} \setminus \{t\} \\ & v(r) = K \end{array} \]ℹ️ Important
Observe how the valuation function on the root state \(r\) is the constant \(K\). Also note how the constraints \((C_1,\ldots,C_m)\) are captured by the state transition function \(\tau\) and the value generator \(\lambda(s_i)\) that proposes appropriate values for decision \(x_i\) out of state \(s_i\).
Clearly \(s_\top\)'s value is \(K\) and \(s_{n+1}=s_\bot\), a state satisfying all the constraints and corresponding to the full problem (all decisions were made). The valuation function \(v\) defined by the Bellman equation above accumulates the cost incurred along each transition and modeled by the cost function \(c\).
The path with the globally optimal cost is the global optimum to the original maximization problem \(P\). Naturally, there are potentially exponentially many such path.
Exact Decision Diagrams
CODD provides (for generality's sake) an exact decision diagram that builds the state of the LTS just described and can therefore produce a globally optimal solution. While it is relatively direct, it requires the construction of an exponentially size structure and is therefore only useful as a proof of concept. Formally, the solution set of the exact decision diagram induced by \(DD_{Exact}(P)\) is identical to the solution set of \(P\), namely \({\cal Sol}(DD_{Exact}(P)) = {\cal Sol}(P)\).
Restricted Decision Diagrams
CODD provides restricted decision diagrams. Those differ from exact diagram by discarding (during their top-down construction) nodes whose presence would lead to overflowing a maximal imposed width. Since the approach throws away states, and therefore paths it runs the risk of loosing the optimal solution. Yet, if they yield paths leading to \(s_\bot\), the best of them is a primal bound to the original problem. Formally, the solution set of the restricted decision diagram is a subset of the solution set of the original problem \(P\). Namely, \({\cal Sol}(DD_{Restricted}(P)) \subseteq {\cal Sol}(P)\).
Relaxed Decision Diagrams
CODD provides relaxed decision diagrams. Those differ from exact diagram by merging states whose presence would induce a diagram width exceeding a given bound. The state merge operator must be a legit relaxation in the following sense: it yields a state that no longer satisfies all constraints in \((C_1,\ldots,C_m)\). While the width ensure that the size of the diagram remains under control, it introduces new states that are no longer satisfiable. Path leading to \(s_\bot\) going through at least one such unsatisfiable state are no longer modeling a solution of the original problem. Formally, the solution set of the relaxed diagram is now a super set of the solution set of the original problem \(P\). Namely, \({\cal Sol}(DD_{Relaxed}(P)) \supseteq {\cal Sol}(P)\).
From the above, one gets to derive primal bounds using the restricted diagrams and dual bounds using the relaxed one.
ℹ️ Important
Note how all three diagrams are based on the same LTS abstractions of states, labels, transitions, merge and costs and equality to \(s_\bot\). aThese abstractions are the core modeling facilities offered by CODD.
CODD Modeling
Unsurprisingly, the abstractions presented above match exactly with the CODD API that expects:
- A structure to define a state
- Two distinguished states \(s_\top\) and \(s_\bot\) used to represent a state with no decisions made (\(s_\top\)) and all possible decision made (\(s_\bot\)).
- A label generation function \(\lambda\) which given a state \(s_i\), produces the set of potentially viable transitions
- A state transition function \(\tau\) which, given a state \(s_i\) and a potentially viable label \(\ell\), produces either nothing (\(\bot\)) or a new state \(s_{i+1}\) such that \(s_i \stackrel{x_i=\ell}{\longrightarrow} s_{i+1} \in \tau\).
- A cost function \(c\) which, given a state \(s_i\) and a viable label \(\ell\) produces the cost of the transition \(s_i \stackrel{x_i=\ell}{\longrightarrow} s_{i+1}\)
- An optional equality to \(s_\bot\) function that returns true whenever its input state is \(s_\bot\).
ℹ️ Note
An optional local dual bounding function which, given a state \(s_i\) compute a coarse dual bound for completing \(s_i\). this optional abstraction is helpful to quickly assess whether a state has any hope of leading to an improving \(s_\bot\). If a state does not, it can be discarded from the relaxation.
Thankfully, C++ is a rich language supporting polymorphic types, first order and higher order functions. Those provide the basis to naturally convey the formal abstractions given above. The state become a type in C++ and all the other abstractions becomes first-order functions (lambdas in C++ parlance).
TSP Example High Level
Consider the task of solving instances of the traveling salesman problem. With the abstraction defined above, to express a TSP over a set of cities \(V=\{1..n\}\) we define:
Let a state \(s \in {\cal S}\) be a triplet \(\langle S,e,h\rangle\) with \(S \subseteq V\) the set of cities visited thus far, \(e\) the name of the city last visited (or 0 at the start), and \(h\) the number of hops made thus far (or 0 at the start).
Let \(s_\top = \langle \{1\},1,0\rangle\) since no cities have been visited, hence last city is the depot 1 and the salesman did not do any "hops".
Let \(s_\bot = \langle V,1,n\rangle\). Indeed, without loss of generality, we will start from the depot 1 and thus return to the depot 1 (which will thus be the last visited). The trip will have carried out \(n\) hops and visited all cities in \(V\).
The label generator is a function \(\lambda : {\cal S} \rightarrow {\cal U}\) defined as
- The state transition function \(\tau : {\cal S} \times {\cal L} \rightarrow {\cal S}\) is
The condition \(\ell=1\) indicates a return to the depot (1). The alternative extends the set of visited cities with \(\ell\) and adds one hop. Naturally, the cost function is straightforwardly defined as \(c(\langle S,e,h\rangle,\ell) = d_{e,\ell}\) while the merge operator \(\oplus(\langle S_1,e_1,h_1\rangle,\langle S_2,e_2,h_2\rangle) = \langle S_1 \cup S_2,e_1,h_1\rangle\) provided that \(e_1=e_2 \wedge h_1=h_2\).
TSP Example in CODD
Modeling with CODD first requires a type to represent a state. Since
a state is a triplet, the model uses a C
struct TSP {
GNSet s;
int last;
int hops;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,const TSP& m) {
return os << "<" << m.s << ',' << m.last << ',' << m.hops << ">";
Note the additional (and optional) output operator used to inspect state. In addition to the state, CODD expects 2 standard operations on state. Equality testing and hashing. Namely,
template<> struct std::equal_to<TSP> {
constexpr bool operator()(const TSP& s1,const TSP& s2) const {
return s1.last == s2.last && s1.hops==s2.hops && s1.s == s2.s;
Is a STL compliant implementation of equality testing for a type
which, here, is none other than the TSP
structure. Likewise, the STL compliant fragment
template<> struct std::hash<TSP> {
std::size_t operator()(const TSP& v) const noexcept {
return (std::hash<GNSet>{}(v.s) << 24) |
(std::hash<int>{}(v.last) << 16) |
defines a hash
operator for the state type
. Both state equality and state hashing are used
internally by CODD. Given \(V\) a constant set holding the set of
cities and \(n\) its size, it is now easy to define both \(s_\top\) and
\(s_\bot\) with:
const auto init = []() { // The root state
return TSP { GNSet{1},1,0 };
const auto target = [&V,n]() { // The sink state
return TSP { V,1,n };
Note how the init
and the target
closures can
be called to manufacture the desired states. The label generation
function is also defined with a simple closure
const auto lgf = [&V,n](const TSP& s) {
if (s.hops == n - 1)
return GNSet {1};
return V - s.s;
The body of the closure uses the capture set of cities V
and returns a singleton with just the depot city (1) if this is the last
hop or \(V \setminus s.s\) otherwise.
The function \(\tau\) is, unsurprisingly, another closure (which captures
and V
denoting, respectively, the number of
cities and the set of all cities.)
const auto stf = [&V,n](const TSP& s,const int label) -> std::optional<TSP> {
if (label==1)
return TSP { V,1,n};
return TSP { s.s | GNSet{label},label,s.hops + 1};
The case analysis carried out in the code mirrors exactly the formal definition. If the value \(label\) indicates a return to the depot, we return the sink state. Otherwise, we add \(label\) to the set of visited cities \(s.s\), set the last visited city as \(label\) and increase the number of hops by 1.
The cost of a transition is also modeled with a closure that captures the distance matrix \(d\) and reads:
const auto scf = [&d](const TSP& s,int label) { // partial cost function
return d[s.e][label];
The state merge \(\oplus\) is simply:
const auto smf = [](const TSP& s1,const TSP& s2) -> std::optional<TSP> {
if (s1.last == s2.last && s1.hops == s2.hops)
return TSP {s1.s & s2.s , s1.last, s1.hops};
else return std::nullopt; // return the empty optional
Observe how this closure takes two states \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) and considers them mergeable if they both end in the same city and have the same number of hops. The relaxation stems from the fact that the set intersection between \(s_1.s\) and \(s_2.s\) will only retain cities that were visited in both.
Finally, the equality to the sink (target) state is also closure:
const auto eqs = [n](const TSP& s) -> bool {
return s.last == 1 && s.hops == n;
Which deems state \(s\) equal to the sink if the last city is 1 and we have the desired number of hops \(sz\).
CODD Solving
Solving the TSP then reduces to instantiating the generic solver with all the closures defined earlier. Namely:
BAndB engine(DD<TSP,Minimize<double>, // to minimize
Note how the DD
template is specialized with the state type
, the type Minimize<double>
to convey that
this is a minimization, and the types of the various closures using the
C++-23 decltype
operator. The solver is invoked with the
last line.
ℹ️ Important
CODD users never directly call any of those closures. Calls to the closures are choreographed by the solver to build the diagrams and reason with them. CODD users are strictly focused on defining the DP LTS in a mathematical sense and then doing the 1-1 translation to C++.
Installing CODD
The CODD solver is available on github.
The CODD C++ library implements both the modeling and the solving framework. It extensively relies on functional closures to deliver concise, declarative and elegant models. It has:
- Restricted / exact / relax diagrams
- State definition, initial, terminal, tranistion and state merging functions separated
- Label generation functions
- Equivalence predicate for sink.
It allows to define model to solve problems using a dynamic programming style with the support of underlying decision diagrams.
You need graphviz
(The dot
binary) to create graph images. It
happens automatically when the display
method is called. Temporary
files are created in /tmp
and the macOS open
command is used (via
) to open the generated PDF. The rest of the system is
vanilla C++-23 and cmake
Keep in mind that this is optional and only needed if you wish to generate images of diagrams (typically to debug models).
C++ Standard
You need a C++-23 capable compiler. gcc and clang should both work. I work on macOS where I use the mainline clang coming with Xcode. The implementation uses templates and concepts to factor the code.
Build system
This is cmake
. Simply do the following
And it will compile the whole thing. To compile in optimized mode,
simply change the variable CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
from Debug
to Release
as shown below:
Unit tests
In the test
folder. Mostly for the low-level containers.
All of it in the src
scc -i cpp,org,h,hpp ..
| | | | | | | |
Language | Files | Lines | Blanks | Comments | Code | Complexity |
C++ | 29 | 4288 | 298 | 274 | 3716 | 670 |
C++ Header | 15 | 3098 | 132 | 338 | 2628 | 431 |
JSON | 3 | 70 | 1 | 0 | 69 | 0 |
Org | 3 | 771 | 97 | 0 | 674 | 100 |
Markdown | 2 | 167 | 74 | 0 | 93 | 0 |
CMake | 1 | 81 | 14 | 13 | 54 | 1 |
HTML | 1 | 1101 | 80 | 1 | 1020 | 0 |
gitignore | 1 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 |
Total | 55 | 9580 | 696 | 626 | 8258 | 1202 |
To be found in the examples
tiny coloring bench (same as in python)foo
maximum independent set (toy size)tstpoy
tiny TSP instance (same as in python)gruler
golomb ruler (usage <size> <ubOnLabels>)misp
the maximum independent set problem
The Maximum Independent Set Problem (MISP)
It is, perhaps, most effective to look at some models to get a reasonable sense of the effort it takes to model and solve a problem with CODD.
To start using CODD, it is sufficent to include its main header as follow
#include "codd.hpp"
Reading the instance
struct GE {
int a,b;
friend bool operator==(const GE& e1,const GE& e2) {
return e1.a == e2.a && e1.b == e2.b;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,const GE& e) {
return os << e.a << "-->" << e.b;
struct Instance {
int nv;
int ne;
std::vector<GE> edges;
FArray<GNSet> adj;
Instance() : adj(0) {}
Instance(Instance&& i) : nv(i.nv),ne(,edges(std::move(i.edges)) {}
GNSet vertices() {
return setFrom(std::views::iota(0,nv));
auto getEdges() const noexcept { return edges;}
void convert() {
adj = FArray<GNSet>(nv+1);
for(const auto& e : edges) {
Instance readFile(const char* fName)
Instance i;
using namespace std;
ifstream f(fName);
while (!f.eof()) {
char c;
f >> c;
if (f.eof()) break;
switch(c) {
case 'c': {
std::string line;
case 'p': {
string w;
f >> w >> i.nv >>;
case 'e': {
GE edge;
f >> edge.a >> edge.b;
edge.a--,edge.b--; // make it zero-based
assert(edge.a >=0);
assert(edge.b >=0);
return i;
The C structure GE
is meant to represent a graph edge. It
inlines a friend function to print edges and an equality operator. The C
struct Instance
is used to encapsulate an instance of the
MISP problem read from a text file. It holds the number of vertices
, the number of edges ne
, the list of
and computes and holds the adjacency list
. The latter is computed by the convert
method which simply scans the edges in edges
and adds the
endpoints in the respective sets of the adjacency vector. Note that the
vertices are numbered from 0 onward (so the last vertex number is
nv - 1
The readFile
function produces an Instance
from a named file fName
. Note how it shifts the vertex
identifiers of edges down by 1 since the standard instances use a
1-based numbering scheme rather than a 0-based numbering scheme.
State definition
struct MISP {
GNSet sel;
int n;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,const MISP& m) {
return os << "<" << m.sel << ',' << m.n << ',' << ">";
template<> struct std::equal_to<MISP> {
bool operator()(const MISP& s1,const MISP& s2) const {
return s1.n == s2.n && s1.sel == s2.sel;
template<> struct std::hash<MISP> {
std::size_t operator()(const MISP& v) const noexcept {
return std::rotl(std::hash<GNSet>{}(v.sel),32) ^ std::hash<int>{}(v.n);
struct defines the state representation for the DP
model. For the maximum independent set problem the state is simply a
set of integers named sel
and an integer n
representing the index of the next vertex to consider for inclusion (or
exclusion) from the independent set. The next two classe are standard
C++ and define the following:
: this structure conforms to the STL and defines as equality operator over the stateMISP
: this structure conforms to the STL and defines a hash function forthe state
. Note how it uses the hash functions for theint
type and theGNSet
types provided by the STL or theCODD
Main Model
Getting started
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
// using STL containers for the graph
if (argc < 2) {
std::cout << "usage: coloring <fname> <width>\n";
const char* fName = argv[1];
const int w = argc==3 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 64;
auto instance = readFile(fName);
const GNSet ns = instance.vertices();
const int top = ns.size();
const std::vector<GE> es = instance.getEdges();
const auto labels = ns | GNSet { top }; // using a plain set for the labels
std::vector<int> weight(ns.size()+1);
weight[top] = 0;
for(auto v : ns) weight[v] = 1;
The main
program simply gets the filename from the command
line and reads the instance from the file. It then extract in
the set of vertices, in top
its cardinality
and in es
the list of edges. The last four lines define the
to be used (the identifier of all vertices together
with top
to encode the transition to the final state in the
decision diagram). They also define the weights of the vertices. Since
the instances are cliques (from the DIMACS challenge), the
of every vertex is 1 while the weight
of top
is 0.
The Bound Tracker
The maximum independent set is an optimization (maximization) problem. CODD needs to track solutions as they get produces and offers the opportunity to execute an arbitrary code fragment when a new solution somes forth. This code fragment can be used, for instance, to check the correctness of the solution.
This task is the responsibility of the Bounds
Minimally, one simply must declare an instance as follows:
Bounds bnds;
In the MISP example, we illustrate how to respond to incoming solutions. In this case the
instance uses a C++ lambda (a closure) that will be fed a solutioninc
, i.e., a vector of labels.
Consider the example below:
Bounds bnds([&es](const std::vector<int>& inc) {
bool ok = true;
for(const auto& e : es) {
bool v1In = (e.a < (int)inc.size()) ? inc[e.a] : false;
bool v2In = (e.b < (int)inc.size()) ? inc[e.b] : false;
if (v1In && v2In) {
std::cout << e << " BOTH ep in inc: " << inc << "\n";
ok &= !(v1In && v2In);
std::cout << "CHECKER is " << ok << "\n";
The closure first captures the set of edges (by reference) as checking
the validity of a solution simply entails looping over all edges and
making sure that not both endpoints of an edge are included in the
solution. The for
loop binds e
to an edge and,
provided that the endpoints are mentioned in the solution, looks up the
Boolean associated to the vertex in the solution. Note how the solution
can be a prefix of the full vertex list (hence the
conditional expression). If both endpoints are mentionned in the
solution, the computation is aborted as this would indicate a bug in the
Defining neighbors
The main model will make use of the adjacency list, so it is advisable
to hold into a variable neighbors
the adjacency list for
the graph.
auto neighbors = instance.adj;
The actual CODD Model
A CODD model capture a label transition system (LTS). This LTS operates
on nodes holding states for the problem. In the case of the maximum
independent set, the states are MISP
instances. The LTS
starts from a source node and forms paths that ultimately target a
sink state. A path in the LTS moves from state to state by generating
labels and using a transition function. Each such transition can
incur a cost.
The CODD solver uses a branch & bound strategy with both a primal and a dual bound. Primal bounds are produced as a matter of course each time an incumbent solution is found, but also through the used of restricted decision diagrams. Likewise, dual bounds are produced by relaxed decision diagrams. Such relaxed diagrams rely on merge operations to collapse state.
CODD models all the italicized concepts outlined in the prior paragraphs with C++ closures. The remainder of this section presents them, one at a time.
The Start State Closure
The root, start or source state in the MISP application simly holds in the
property of the state the indices of all legal vertices and holds inn
the value 0 to report that the next decision is to be about vertex 0. Note how the code below uses the STLstd::views::iota
to loop over the closed rangeand insert each value
in the setU
that is then used to create and return the root state.
const auto myInit = [top]() { // The root state
GNSet U = {};
for(auto i : std::views::iota(0,top))
return MISP { U , 0};
The Sink State Closure
The sink state is chosen, by convention, to hold an empty set for the remaining legal vertices (so no more decision beyond this point) and
as the next vertex to consider since top is the index of the last vertex plus 1. Note how the closure capture thetop
local variable.
const auto myTarget = [top]() { // The sink state
return MISP { GNSet {},top};
The Label Generation Closure
Moving from one state to the next involves making a decision about the next vertex to be consider for inclusion. Observe that the identity of that vertex is held in the
property of the state we are departing. The decision, in this case, is a binary choice. Either we includen
or we do not. So the label generation function returns the closed rangeas the valid outgoing labels. Note how the closure takes as input the source state
(yet, for the MISP model, the source state is not used for any purposes.).
const auto lgf = [](const MISP& s) {
return Range::close(0,1);
The State transition Closure
the state transition closure is the heart of the model. It specifies what state to go to when leaving
through labellabel
. Observe thats
dictates which vertex to consider ins.n
. Two cases arise:- \(s.n \geq top\) In this situation, we ran out of vertices. If the
remaining legal set is empty (\(s.sel = \emptyset\)) then we ought
to transition to the sink as we are closing a viable path.
Otherwise, this is a "dead-end" and the code return nothing
) as the API uses the C++ optional type to convey the absence of a transition. - \(s.n < top\) In this situation, we can decide to include
in the MISP provided that it is still legal (i.e., provided that \(s.n \in s.sel\)). The first line of the second case therefore commits to not transitioning whenever \(s.n \notin s.sel \wedge label=True\) and thus returnstd::nullopt
. Otherwise,s.n
is eligible (because it is either to be excluded, or it is still legal) and the new state is computed. The new state \(out = s.sel \setminus N(s.n) \setminus \{s.n\}\) where \(N(s.n)\) refers to the neighbors of \(s.n\). ThediffWith
method implements the set difference calculation. Finally, the result state holdsout
and sets the next vertex to consider to be \(top\) if \(out = \emptyset\) or \(s.n + 1\) otherwise.
- \(s.n \geq top\) In this situation, we ran out of vertices. If the
remaining legal set is empty (\(s.sel = \emptyset\)) then we ought
to transition to the sink as we are closing a viable path.
Otherwise, this is a "dead-end" and the code return nothing
auto myStf = [top,&neighbors](const MISP& s,const int label) -> std::optional<MISP> {
if (s.n >= top) {
if (s.sel.empty())
return MISP { GNSet {}, top};
else return std::nullopt;
} else {
if (!s.sel.contains(s.n) && label) return std::nullopt;
GNSet out = s.sel;
out.remove(s.n); // remove n from state
if (label) out.diffWith(neighbors[s.n]);
const bool empty = out.empty(); // find out if we are done!
return MISP { std::move(out),empty ? top : s.n + 1}; // build state accordingly
The transition Cost Closure
Each transition from a state to another incurs a cost based on the source state and the label used to transition out. CODD once again relies on a closure to report this cost. In the code fragment below, note how the closure capture a reference to the
vector and uses the identity of the vertex being labeleds.n
as well as thelabel
itself (a 0/1 value) to compute and return the actual cost.
const auto scf = [&weight](const MISP& s,int label) { // cost function
return label * weight[s.n];
The State Merge Closure
CODD computes its dual bound with a relaxation that merges state. The implementation uses a closure which, given two states \(s_1\) and \(s_2\) determines whether the two states are mergeable and returns a new state if they are, or the
optional if they are not.In the MISP case, states are always mergeable and the merge result is none other than the union of the two eligible sets of vertices and the minimum identifier for the next vertex. In the code below the C++ operator
conveys the union of the two sets.
const auto smf = [](const MISP& s1,const MISP& s2) -> std::optional<MISP> {
return MISP {s1.sel | s2.sel,std::min(s1.n,s2.n)};
- Local Bound Closure
❗ Caution
CODD can use an optional closure to quickly compute dual bounds associated to states of the LTS. The optional
closure is therefore typically lightweight.
In the case of MISP, a simple dual bound consist of summing up the weight of all the vertices that are still eligible. This is clearly an overestimate as some of these vertices will be ruled out. But it's cheap to compute!
const auto local = [&weight](const MISP& s) -> double {
return sum(s.sel,[&weight](auto v) { return weight[v];});
Recognizing the Sink
CODD uses one last (mandatory) closure to establish equality to the sink. It does not rely on the equality operator as recognizing the sink may not require to test all its attributes for equality, but only a subset of them.
const auto eqs = [](const MISP& s) -> bool {
return s.sel.size() == 0;
Wrapping up
Now that all the mandatory (and optional) closures are defined, it only remains to instantiate the generic solver with the closures given above and invoke it.
The type
is used to convey that this is a maximization problem while the nesteddouble
type is the type used to track the objective function value and is currently alwaysdouble
. CODD supportsMinimize<double>
as well.
BAndB engine(DD<MISP,Maximize<double>, // to maximize
return 0;
CODD: A Decision Diagram-based Solver for Combinatorial Optimization, ECAI24, 27TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 19-24 OCTOBER 2024,Santiago de Compostela. L. Michel & W.J. van Hoeve.
Related Systems
DDO was created by Pierre Schauss and Xavier Gillard. It is a generic and efficient framework for MDD-based optimization written in Rust.
Domain Independent DP
DIDP is the brainchild of Ryo Kuroiwa, J. Christopher Beck. It can be found here and offers both a modeling and a solving API for dynamic programming.
Peel & Bound
- Peel and Bound: Solving Discrete Optimization Problems with Decision Diagrams and Separation Thesis at Polytechnique Montréal, Accepted August 16th, 2024. Preprint available, (2024)
- Peel-and-Bound: Generating Stronger Relaxed Bounds with Multivalued Decision Diagrams 28th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2022), Volume 235, pp. 35:1-35:20, (2022) Isaac Rudich, Quentin Cappart, Louis-Martin Rousseau. Peel & Bound